Sunday, July 20, 2008

Gold Fish and Chocolate Chip Cookies

Yesterday we went to the h'olalea (a hawaiian festival with dancing, food, games, and shops) and Glenn insisted on winning Kaile a gold fish. We played this game where you had to throw ping pong balls into little glass jars to win and we ended up with 2 lovely goldfish... I didn't have a glass bowl to put them in so I put them in a vase... This morning when we woke up only one was still alive... OOPS! I actaully felt really bad! Glenn went to flush the one that died down they toilet and he told Kaile to say bye to the fish before he flushed it and she said "fishy pooping!" It was funny... Glenn had her name the one fish left and she picked "bob bob" (spongebob). She cracks me up!
I was making Glenn some chocolate chip cookies before he left to work tonight and DUMBLY (is that a word? anyone?) I let Kaile have one while they were still warm... she said "mommy, I MESS!" Luckily I had taken off the cute shirt she had on. It is so funny to hear the things toddlers say! They are so innocent and honest and say the cutest things! (and check out Kailes hair! haha it's getting OUT OF CONTROL! It's SO curly these days!)


Jones Family said...

I love reading about all the funny things Kaile says. "Fishy Poo poo" is so funny. At least you give your kids cookies and not cookie dough. My kids go crazy for cookie dough. Oops, raw eggs!