Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A teething baby and a sick toddler = a CRAZY day!

Even though Koa isn't my first baby I feel like I never really had to deal with a "baby" teething since Kaile didn't get any teeth until after she turned 1! She was easy because she would just reach for the teething tablets when her gums were hurting... but poor little Koa just SCREAMS! Since he isn't much of a crier these days I immediately bust out the teething tablets when the tantrum begins and they quickly ease his pain! Today I let him have a "teething biscuit" and he LOVED it! He chomped away at it until I got nervous because he would bite off HUGE chunks! He was in heaven for the 5 minutes the biscuit lasted! He is so cute...
Last night as I was getting Kaile ready for bed her nose started running and it hasn't stopped since! It is so gross! All night she whined in her sleep because she couldn't breathe through her nose. She even woke up at 6:30 this morning not feeling well... it is VERY unusual for Kaile to be up that early! She usually sleeps until I eventually have to get her up so I can get out of the house and do what I need to do. She was such a good girl today even though she was sick. She was still happy and sweet but she was a lot more relaxed than usual! I feel so lucky to have kids who are happy even when they don't feel so well!
(notice Kailes "shiny" face... um, thats snot that she smeared across her face! SO DISGUSTING!)


Rebecca M said...

I love your children!

MEG said...

I don't know how you do it! I'm glad you tested Koa out on the teething biscuits because I wanted to try but didn't know if Axton was too young.
-looks like Koa did fine!

I love Kaile's shirt - lol, too cute!

Jones Family said...

How is your back??? Koa looked so sad today at the gym.

heather marie said...

KOA is such a CHUNK! i just want to eat him up!