Saturday, January 30, 2010

Koa the Lawnmower and Kaile the Ballerina!

Santa got Koa this totally awesome lawnmower for Christmas and today he put it to good use!
He was SO proud to be mowing the lawn with daddy and I was DYING over how cute he was trying to keep up with his dad!

Kaile started ballet today and she was SO excited! She was thrilled to go shopping alone with mommy to buy her new ballet slippers and tap shoes. I LOVED seeing her get so excited! Glenn wanted to go with us... he said there was NO WAY he was missing his babys first dance class! When Kaile was nervous Glenn totally went into the studio and DANCED WITH HER! All of the other moms about DIED! They were so goo-goo gaa-gaa over a dad dancing with his daughter. My heart totally melted! He is seriously the BEST DAD EVER! He will do anything for his kids... he doesn't have too much pride to bust a few ballet and tap moves and I love him even more because of it!

Isn't she a doll?!?!


Tracy said...

sooooo stinkin cute!

Garrett and Leslie said...

So adorable!!! Both Koa and Kaile!! I hope when I start my dance studio all the little girls dress up in tutus for ballet!!!

Alyssa said...

YAY!! i love them! they are SO cute!